“Now You Can Get Your First 3 Months Of Water Damage Restoration Marketing For HALF OFF!” From now through January 3rd 2020, we’re offering a 50% discount on the first 3 MONTHS of our full service monthly marketing packages designed specifically for water damage restoration companies. Now you can get our highly effective, full service, digital marketing campaigns for 50% off the normal price (noted below) for the first 3 whole months of service. Again, these are our current, complete, full service marketing campaigns tailored specifically to restoration companies. This offer is in no way ‘half the work done’ or in any way, shape, or form any different or less than what we would normally do while charging full price. These monthly packages normally sell for anywhere from $1,250 to $2,000+ per month depending on the size of your target city… but you can save 50% and get the entire first 3 months for just $625 to $1,000+! (specific pricing per location easily described below) And of ...